
Monday, August 27, 2018

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

It's been about a month since I've updated anything, but not for lack of doing anything: I recently came into a lot of Age of Sigmar miniatures — auctions and swap meets at your local FLGS are the best — and I've been busy doing a lot of grunt work on that front. To wit:

Formerly Slaanesh Chaos warriors. You can also see half-completed Marauders, left, several metal and plastic Plaguebearers in lovely plague green, the beginning of my kitbashed astrolith bearer (plastic saurus along with an unknown plastic totem), a modern plastic skink (which will one day be a skink chief), some old plastic reptile swarms, all Games Workshop; you can also see Genbu the Tortoise, from Wyrd; and a metal Skully from the original Calico Kate kit by Ninja Division (formerly Soda Pop Miniatures).