
Friday, June 1, 2018

Sorcerer's Complete!

Wielding a mighty scythe and accompanied by dozens of jovial, diseased horrors, Kamran Shedimzadeh calmly surveys battlefields overran by Nurgle's foul daemons. Serene and detached even by the standards of Lux Larvalis, he takes few pains to hide from the enemy, preferring to stoically apply his Warp-given talents where they're most required.

Kamran Shedimzadeh, a counts-as Sorcerer on Palanquin of Nurgle. Games Workshop bits: Death Guard Plague Marine plastic head; Putrid Blightking plastic torso; Deathshroud Bodyguard plastic scythe head; unknown ork arm and tailpipe; unknown kroot arm and rifle; unknown servitor with censer (!!?!); Tyranid Ravener plastic back; Tyranid metal Hive Tyrant lower torso (3rd edition); several Nurglings from various plastic kits; a classic metal Nurgling; Chaos Space Marine plastic backpack; three skulls from the plastic skull kit. Forge World bits: Plague Marine upgrade kit resin shoulderpad. Wyrd: Railworker drill arm from The Rail Crew plastic kit. Pumice, stone, and kneadatite.
I ended up not adding a bloated gas sac (as considered in the last post about this guy); I couldn't get it to look right on him. I'm pretty pleased with this result, overall.
In Lux Larvalis, this guy is something of an outsider. He and Aplu Kaylonus, an ancient (and strangely affable) prince of the daemonic host Laeti Lustores, work closely to coordinate the two groups' activities. Aloof and inward looking, Kamran has a quiet faith in his patron god that makes him feel far more at home with Nurgle's various daemons than with his deeply human battle brothers.

His rapport with Nurgle's servants extends to the unfortunates forged into daemon engines. As a result, his chief role on the battlefield is to direct the brute-force, tank-heavy insertions that characterize Lux Larvalis' endgame efforts in planetary invasions. While not a brilliant tactician, he can direct the actions of drones, plagueburst crawlers, and decimators with an effortless precision.

Kamran Shedimzadeh; pieces detailed above.
Some of the little details I really like on this model:
  • He feels detached. He's gazing impassionately in a different direction than the Nurglings, who are certainly fixated on their next playmate — the nearest guardsman or Tyranid gant, no doubt.
  • If you've noticed, his arms are seriously mismatched. That's intentional; I wanted his various mutations to feel vaguely spawn-adjacent, as if he was teetering on his path toward daemonhood. (For the uninitiated, a servant of Chaos is granted various boons for great acts. A Chaos boon, however, might be of dubious value to its recipient; Nurgle might find great joy in debilitating, diseased folds of flesh, but the warrior burdened with such a gift might struggle to achieve much more in their god's name. A servant visited too often by these fickle benefits turns into a mindless, savage monster called a spawn. Those who find great favor, however, are elevated to the rank of daemon prince — a fitting exaltation for the exquisitely depraved!)
  • I adore his servitor with censer. I have no idea where it's from, or why it has a censer on it — a round, smoking censer is closely identified with Nurgle, but I don't believe this bit is from a Nurgle kit. It nicely ties him into the Lux Larvalis vectorium as a whole, but the fact that he only has one censer, and that it's placed much higher than they are on my plague marines, marks him as standing apart from his brethren.
Speaking of Aplu Kaylonus:

Aplu Kaylonus, Daemon Prince of Laeti Lustores. Base kit is Games Workshop's plastic Daemon Prince; the head is an extra plague drone head from the eponymous kit. Kneadatite, sand, and stone round out this simple conversion.
I shamelessly stole this conversion from a Games Workshop publication, but the green stuff work is all mine — rotting innards and taut goiters. I don't get a chance to run this guy often, but he's my go-to for lists filled with plague marines and Chaos predators. He provides an excellent, all-purpose aura, brings some great defensive buffs, and counter-punches like a champ to protect gunlines from fast skirmishers and deep strikers.

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